Saturday, October 31, 2009

The American Flag

Around the world each country flies over their lands the symbol of their people. America has such a symbol, but it represents more than the people that live there. When America fought for its freedom from the tyranny of an oppressive rule many lives were lost. They gave their lives freely for the freedom of the people that lived there. Patrick Henry, a patriot who faced trial in an English court yelled "Give me liberty or give me death" they executed him for his belief in freedom.
Francis Scott Key was aboard a ship watching a battleduring the war of 1812 with the British, and flying over the fort was an American flag, ragged,torn and bullet ridden, illuminated by explosions in the air, yet it still waved and he wrote the Star Spangled Banner.
Our Flag flew during the Revolutionary War, Spanish-American War, the Civil War, World War I, & II, the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. It flies where ever our troops are and it flies above all other flags in America. Now there are people who are actually offended by the flag, they wants laws so we can't fly it from our homes, or from our windows even our stores. Most of the ones offended are not from this country,too bad for them, but some are Americans who for some reason have a grudge, Home owners Associations, condo associations, etc. To them I must say that without the blood that was spilled, the sacrifices by our military personnel, our founders, and freedom fighters, You would not have the right to be here, much less the right to speak out against the Flag. We have the right to speak freely, to express ourselves and to hold those rights without fear of reprisal. Until now.
There are associations that want to stop us from displaying our flag and remove our right to express ourselves. The very symbol that has seen so much blood shed and death in the name of freedom, is now in a battle for its own existence. To everyone I say, fly the red white and blue with pride and defy those that are offended to try and remove it. There are no laws that prohibit us from flying the very symbol that gave us the freedom to speak out. There are laws that protect our flag, but they are no longer enforced, (check out Desecration was once illegal, now our flag is burned, stepped on, spit at and worse, yet the supreme court and the left winger radical liberals see fit to allow it. We sacrificed much for our freedom, now it too is being attacked. When we lose those basic rights, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" our children will never know the true history of the plight that the settlers, pilgrims, and freedom seekers went through to be here.
When Betsy Ross was commissioned to create the flag for the colonial army who was fighting for the freedom our our soon to be country I wonder if she thought that it would be desecrated and those freedoms that were fought for long ago would be lost. If we do nothing we will lose what freedom we have. We must stand together and say Enough Is Enough, and tell them in Washington we will not allow this any more.
They work for us not against us. Fly the flag with pride knowing the revolutionaries did not die in vain.